Melt pressure transmitter for use in high temperature environments. Voltage output signal
• Pressure ranges from:
0-35 to 0-2000 bar / 0-500 to 0-30000 psi
Most popular 0-5000 psi and 0-10,000 psi
6 pin or 8 pin
• Fluid-filled system for temperature stability
MN1-6-M-PXXX-1-4-D-000 MN2-6-M-PXXX-1-4-D-000
MN1-6-H-PXXX-1-4-D-000 MN2-6-H-PXXXX-1-4-D-000
MN1-8-M-PXXX-1-4-D-000 MN2-8-M-PXXX-1-4-D-000
MN1-8-H-PXXX-1-4-D-000 MN2-8-H-PXXXX-1-4-D-000
• Accuracy: <±0.25% FSO (H); <±0.5% FSO (M)